
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Autism and Vitamins

When families have a child with Autism, they want to do everything they can to help them. For this reason, I want to share this particular experience...

I had seen Jenny Mcarthy and Holly Robinson Pete on television and various magazines, talking about their Autistic children. I was impressed with the amount of research they each had done on the disability and I began thinking that maybe I should educate myself more on the subject.

Somewhere along the line, I came across material that talked about people with Autism having vitamin deficiencies. I searched it out and found a pharmacy on the Internet that would custom make vitamins according to a particular ailment or disability. I ordered the vitamins and gave them to my son every morning.

A few weeks later, he had a seizure; then a few weeks later, another. My family and I tried to figure out why this was happening. He hadn't had a seizure for years! All we could think of that he was doing differently was taking the vitamins. Immediately we stopped; then we did some more research. We learned that a particular vitamin in the multi capsule we were giving him would make the drug that he was taking for seizure control ineffective.

I wish to make other parents aware that this could be a problem for them as well. Please seek advice from your child's physician before you give him/her something that sounds even as harmless as a vitamin.


  1. Some vitamins will interfer with antibiotics too.

    I'd like to add another suggestion. I always review the notice that comes with my son's prescriptions. I've started reviewing them when we get refills though, because sometimes they add new things to it, especially if it was a new drug and all the side effects weren't known.

    Our neurologist ordered tests for our son to check for levels of metals and vitamins/minerals when she diagnosed him. Everything was fine, but I'm going to ask the doctor about doing it as part of his checkup yearly.

  2. Leslie-

    Thank you for the suggestions. I will definately be more careful giving Cody meds, including vitamins. I appreciate your comment!

  3. Take enough Vitamin A. Vitamin A is highly effective in treating autism.


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