
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Parenting a Child with Autism Brings Unique Stresses...

...says I certainly didn't need to read this article. I live it!
(Do I sound a little stressed right now?)

Families with autistic children have to deal with things such as: behavior issues, education, social support (or lack thereof), respite, time pressure, and health care to name a few.

Pity isn't what we're after; just an understanding that sometimes it takes too much energy to find respite care or get the family ready for church or to go out shopping. Breaking an autistic persons routine is painful and I don't mean just to them! Sometimes I'd rather eat nails than to tell Cody that 'Survivor' isn't on television because the President of the United States is speaking or that due to the holiday the trash guy is picking up the garbage Tuesday instead of Monday. High stress is something we deal with, sometimes on a daily basis. (I have a valid reason for taking Wellbutrin.)

In the near future, I plan on discussing siblings of disabled children. They are remarkable human beings who often have to grow up too fast and/or deal with things their peers have never heard of.

Thank you for letting me vent. I promise to write my next post on a positive note:)

1 comment:

  1. i found you through ur comment to lisa and kennedys blog had to coem visit you ive seen you follwoing on a couple of charge people big hugs form a charger who is in fact in ur archives


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