
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Peeing Perspectives

Girls like clean restrooms, especially when travelling.
This bathroom is in a brand new frozen yogurt building in Las Vegas. My friend insisted that I get a picture because not only was it clean, it was painted and tiled cute as well.

I am very picky about public bathrooms and could probably tell anyone where the nicest ones are along I-5 and I-15, as well many other roads. And I can for sure tell people which bathrooms are best in cities that I am familiar with.

Guys, on the other hand, seem to have no problem peeing wherever they may be. In fact, when my boys were little, they would occasionally shower with their dad. One day Chase told me, "Dad says it's okay to pee down the shower drain." I freaked! Why would men think that it's okay to pee down the drain of a tub people bathe in? I told my boys (husband included) that we don't wash in the toilet, so we certainly don't pee in the shower! Eew!

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