
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rethinking Our Future

Twenty-nine years ago today, Cody was born with multiple disabilities. Doctors said he wouldn't live to be two days old; then we were told he'd never make it to two weeks. Later on, we were informed that Cody wouldn't live past his teen years and due to many complications and surgery's as a tween, we believed this. Bottom line is my husband and I had been prepared to believe we would have to bury our son someday.

Now, as Cody approaches thirty, plans have shifted. We are faced with preparing a Will and trying to figure out how to fund a Special Needs Trust. There is so much more to do than Estate Planning. Guardianship must be appointed, and a Letter of Intent written to include the following : medical history,our advice on housing, services needed, daily requirements, and practical advice.

Although this is far from pleasant ,we are grateful that we've been educated on planning for our sons future. There are so many legal issues that Cody's siblings will be relieved we've taken care of if/when the time comes.


  1. That has to be very hard. Makes me cry to think about it. What would our lives be like without our Cody? He truly is a blessing.


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