
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Siblings of People with Disablilities

When I think about how I raised my children, one of which has special needs, juggle and struggle are two words that come to mind. Often Cody's siblings have had to "take the back seat". I believe that this has made them better, stronger individuals. It has been heartwarming to watch how they've interacted with their brother.

Chase has always been good at being very verbal for Cody's sake. As a child, he would even make up songs or chants to the Nintendo music so Cody (blind) could enjoy the game with him.

Communication is Casey's strong point. He can understand what Cody is trying to say and get him to do things that other people cannot.

As Katelyn has gotten older and started dating, she has been fun to watch. If her dates do not acknowledge Cody, she will certainly give them a piece of her mind.

All in all, our family has done pretty well considering what we have been given. I don't think that Cody could have asked for better siblings. I hope that all of my children look back at their upbringing and have happy memories. I know I certainly do!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a book I might have to check out!!!



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