
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Due Process Hearings

Parents of children in special education are often overwhelmed for multiple reasons. We hope to rely on 'professionals' for help and honest information. However, my husband and I have found that often this is not the case.

One particular year, we met with our son's 'team' to plan his I.E.P. (Individualized Education Plan) and we could not come to an agreement on his placement. After rigorous testing and exhausting all options, my husband and I knew we had no choice but to go through a Due Process Hearing. Due Process is much like a court case with an attorney representing the school district and an attorney representing the child with disabilities/parents.

What our school district did not disclose to us is if parents prevail at the hearing, the district  must reimburse them. Reimbursements cover parent's attorney fees, independent educational evaluations and costs for other services and evaluations.

Some time later, my husband and I received this information, confronted the district, and were reimbursed. Along with the above information, I want my readers to understand that Due Process Hearings should be a last resort. The hearings can be complex and costly. However, if you find yourself in this situation, it is wise to choose an attorney that has experience with special education litigation.

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