
Thursday, September 23, 2010


This is what I saw out my kitchen window around 7:00 a.m. Do you see the spider on the left? Of course you do! You can't miss it. It's unbelievably HUGE! I was looking out the window, trying to see the full moon and spotted it. Of course I had to call my husband (he was already at work). He laughed at me (rude) and said, "What do you want me to do about it?" I told him, "Call the exterminater!"

When I got home from work, the spider (a Black Widow, I'm sure) was still there, but so was my 21 year old son! When I showed him the spider, he came to my rescue.  He took a can of AXE Body Spray and a lighter to it and tourched that sucker. Yay! I don't really care if some of you don't believe in killing these creepy things. I will sleep a whole lot better tonight knowing it is dead.


  1. And the spider probably smells fresh and clean from the body spray.

  2. Quite right! Big ones, small ones - I don't care, they've got no business being within a 10 mile radius of me. Eek!

  3. I'm glad we don't have any of those in upstate new york!!!


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