
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Miracles Happen

Cody drains the tub by himself now! This is both good and bad. You see, Cody's bath routine consist of my husband, or me, walking him through each step...

"Get undressed, go pee, then get in."
"Shampoo your hair."
"Rinse and wash up."
and then usually...
"Drain it."

The good news is miraculously Cody has decided, on his own, to drain the tub without being told. You may be wondering what could possibly be bad about Cody finally, after a quarter of a century, draining the tub on his own? The answer is, Cody would literally sit there and freeze if we didn't hear the tub draining! He still thinks we have to tell him to get out of the tub. We dare not say anything to Cody though. If we make a big deal out of it, he may resort back to his old ways. Progress is progress, right?!


  1. Oh this is so cool ;-) Miracles do happen. Cody is a miracle. You gotta love him!

  2. That's life, right? You sort out one problem and another one lands in your lap! Well done Cody - you give me hope that BB will get there one day too!

  3. Yay Cody. My son has no problem with the getting naked part, but he refuses to drain the tub.


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