
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hey! I Heard That!

Last night we had a leisurely evening at home watching 'Killers' on DVD. Cody ended up falling asleep in the recliner about halfway through. Toward the end of the movie, one of the characters said the "F" word. (The real "F" word, not "fly" as written in my August archive.) Cody shot up out of a sound sleep and said, "Hey! I heard that!"

We couldn't help but laugh. Cody keeps our language pretty clean around here.


  1. That is hilarious. Audrey is sighted, but somehow has the hearing of a deer. We've learned that even if she seems zoned out and like she's in her own world, she is hearing EVERYTHING.

  2. So funny! It must be the extra emphasis we put on naughty words, because BB's just the same.


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