
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hide-and-Seek the Autistic Way

A few years ago, Cody went through a phase where he loved to play Hide-and-Seek. That may seem normal enough but let me finish. Most of the time Cody wouldn't tell us he was playing and he'd just hide, usually in the coat closet. It's a good thing for Cody that we are observant or he may have stayed in there for hours. (With him being Autistic, I am not joking at all!)


  1. I'm sure sometimes that would be very scary (probably more-so for you)!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love the humor of autism but only other Moms get it. BTW Is it normal for those random links all throughout your blog? I've not seen that on other blogs. The green text is hard to read on the black background.

  3. When it's BB's turn to hide he just shuts his eyes, because he thinks that if he can't see you, you can't see him. Having read this, I don't think I'll try to teach him to hide properly!

  4. bbsmum- That is probably wise thinking on your part. Play the game his way:)

  5. Oh God, Audrey is hopeless at hide and seek. She's completely uninterested in finding the person hiding and gets distracted along the way. When she's hiding, she can't stop moving or talking so is pretty much hiding in plain sight.


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