
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Run, Dick, Run!

As I was standing on the playground supervising recess a few years ago, a faculty member said to me, "I think it is so funny how Kindergarten kids run everywhere instead of walk." And do you know what? They do! I hadn't ever noticed or paid attention to that particular behavior until it was pointed out to me. Day after day, as I watch our class of five and six year olds play outdoors, each and every one of them run instead of walk. It is hilarious. If you haven't ever noticed, pay attention next time you see children that age playing at the park, playground or wherever they may be. One cannot help but smile. Visualize how comical it would be if adults ran everywhere they went. Think of the calories we'd burn; we would be a thinner, healthier population!


  1. I'm watching them come out of school now ... you're right, the boys are running, but at least half the girls are hopping or skipping. Why don't boys skip?
    Oh great, now I'm "that creepy lady who watches little kids coming out of school." If I get arrested I'm going to blame you!!

  2. HaHaHa. I thought about that very thing as I was posting it. My intent is not to attract creepers; I just want to help nice people (like us) slow down and enjoy these moments:D

  3. Nobody wants to see me run. Especially not me. I'll leave that to the little ones.


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