
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Under Arrest

Katelyn and I went shopping for Halloween costumes today. For the record, I really don't like Halloween. Having to come up with costumes is a thorn in my side! A few years back I told Cody that adults don't have to dress up for Halloween; they get to stay home and hand out candy. This has worked out pretty well until now. Cody brought home a flyer from his Day Program yesterday stating they will be having a costume contest tomorrow. Ugh. Anyhow, I ended up choosing a prisoner costume for 60% off. 

On the way home, Katelyn and I decided we'd let Cody choose if he wants to call himself a Jail Bird or a Criminal. I asked her, "What do you think he'll choose?" We laughed when Katelyn pointed out he'd probably just say "Bird". (Heaven forbid Cody ever say the entire word or sentence.) Guess what? The twirp proved me wrong again. He actually said, "Jail Bird"!

Here is a preview of him in his costume. (I forgot to stick the numbers on the front for the pic.) He's been in character all evening saying, "Cody, you're under arrest".


  1. How cool is that. Parker would love that costume. I always have to convince him that the criminals don't take the cops to jail.

  2. That's no good - no judge would convict a criminal with a cute face like that :-)

  3. Thank you for the comments. I've never been in jail, but I'm betting Cody wouldn't last 15 minutes. The cursing alone would throw him over the edge:)


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