
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Combining Scrapbooking with Journaling II

Here is another Scrapbook/ Journal idea.
(Combining Scrapbooking with Journaling is in my July archive.)

I asked the kids questions about their dad this time and these are the answers they gave me...

1) What Two Things Could Dad Never Live Without?
     Katelyn- His Family and Sugar
     Casey- His Job and Coke
     Chase- His Right Hand and His Left Hand
     Cody- Tools and Coke

2) What Shirt Should Dad Give to Charity?
     Katelyn- His $5.00 4th of July Shirts that He Hangs onto for Years
     Casey- All of them
     Chase- His Church Shirts
     Cody- His Bass Pro Shop Shirt

3) What's Dad's Favorite Movie?
     Katelyn- Something Western
     Casey- I Don't Know Names of Westerns
     Chase- Any Old Western that is on T.V. and Halfway Over
     Cody- I'll Pass

4) What Do You Believe Dad Struggles With?
     Katelyn- Other Drivers
     Casey- His Piece of Shit Ford
     Chase- Sleeping
     Cody- Reading

5) How Would You Describe Dad to Someone Meeting Him for the First Time?
     Katelyn- Tall, Gray Hair
     Casey- Tall with Gray Hair
     Chase- I'd Just Show Them My Sketches of Him
     Cody- Precious

6) If Dad Had a Million Dollars, What Would He Buy First?
     Katelyn- a New Truck
     Casey- Chevelle
     Chase- Truck, but Chances are it Would Be a Weed-eater
     Cody- Computer

7) What's Dad's Favorite Candy Bar?
     Katelyn- Mounds or Charleston Chew
     Casey- Big Hunk
     Chase- Charleston Chew
     Cody- Snickers

8) What Makes Dad Mad?
     Katelyn- Snotty Teenagers
     Casey- Me (sometimes)
     Chase- Almost Everything
     Cody- Kicking Him Under the Table

I feel like I need to say something in regards to #4. Don does not struggle with reading. Who knows where Cody came up with that?!


  1. Describing Dad as precious ... that's lovely

  2. I love journaling and think that is a great idea. Kid's perspectives are always good material. Hope over to our site on Friday, we will posting a blog about journaling that might interest you.


Kind Remarks Appreciated. :)