
Saturday, November 6, 2010


Cody has never sneezed a day in his life. NEVER. Because sneezing has something to do with nerves in the nose, I figure Cody's inabilitiy to sneeze is due to being born with Choanal Atresia . Sometimes I wonder if I should submit this information to the Guiness Book of World Records. What do you think?


  1. When did BB last sneeze? I can't remember! Has he ever sneezed? I can't remember! I've just asked BB's dad, and he can't remember him ever sneezing either! How can we not have noticed? I'm going to spend all winter now waiting for a sneeze!

  2. Yes. Do pay attention! I would love to know if there is anyone else in this world who does not sneeze.

  3. Guess what? He just sneezed! Just proves (a) I usually pay no attention to the poor boy and (b) I've been taking sneezing for granted. I'll never take it for granted again!


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