
Saturday, November 27, 2010

"I'm Never Gonna Hang With You Again!"

We've been having problems with our garage door. Sometimes it opens with the remote and other times it gets stuck and we have to get out of the car to open it manually. It's bothering Cody like crazy. This morning, when Don came home from running errands, Cody (who has a keen sense of hearing) greeted his dad and the conversation went like this...

Cody- "Dad. How come you keep starting the garage and stopping the garage?"

Don- "I couldn't get the stupid thing to open Fred (one of Don's many nicknames for Cody)."

Cody- "I'm never gonna hang with you again." (Cody said with all the drama of a teenage girl.)

Don- "Okay Cody. If I can't hang with you, what am I suppose to do today while mom and Katelyn go shopping?"

Cody- "I guess you'll have to do facebook or something."

I'm not sure exactly what the two of them did while Katelyn and I were gone. Don rarely sits down at the computer so I highly doubt he "got on facebook". And, since they had Wendy's Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers and Fries for lunch, they must have "hung out" a little bit. :)


  1. you best be getting that garage door fixed asap!
    Funny Code man :)

  2. You can't stay mad at a man who's offering you cheeseburgers.

  3. Now I want a bacon cheeseburger!


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