
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kindergarten Crush

I was inside during recess today helping one of the girls finish her assignment, when a little boy came flying into the classroom. He shouted, in an almost perturbed way, "Caitlyn, are you going to chase me or not?"

I try to remember the cute and/or funny things that happen at school, so I can share them with my family. When I told my teen-age daughter about this particular incident, her remark was "If only boys would say that when they're older!"


  1. Have you ever asked a kindergartener to guess how old you are? I used to do that when I worked in Kindergarten. They would guess anywhere between 5 and 95. Most would guess around 19. Those kids made points with me ;-)

  2. One day a Kindergarten boy asked me how old I was and I had him guess. He guessed 7 and another boy guessed 75. I'm glad I'm not either!


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