
Friday, November 19, 2010

Laughing at Inappropriate Times

When people sneeze, Cody laughs. He always has. We have told him that it is inappropriate and he should say "bless you" instead, but to no avail. The staff and other clients at his Day Program don't appreciate Cody laughing when they sneeze, but I don't know what more to do. Seriously, I've learned to choose my battles and this seems trivial compared to what Cody could be doing. Haven't we all had moments in our lives when we've laughed at inappropriate times? Certainly the lady is this video has. Watch it and you'll be laughing right along with her; I guarantee it.


  1. Griffin does the exact same thing. Awkward but funny.

  2. Yes you have to choose your battles. But this one did make me smile even though i can see how it would upset some people!

  3. I keep trying to comment but keep getting all kinds of advertisment instead and it won't go through!

  4. I think that if I was one of the staff then I would have a sense of humor about it because it is only a sneeze for Pete's sake!

  5. When I cough BB screams and covers his ears, but when my husband coughs BB finds it hilarious. Either it's that I don't cough right, or that BB finds the thought of his Dad being ill amusing! Like you say, pick your battles and keep a sense of humour!


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