
Sunday, December 19, 2010

December Dupery

Students and staff at the Oregon School for the Blind put on a Christmas program every year for their families. It was always an evening performance and afterwards parents were allowed to take their children home for the holiday break (nearly all the students, including Cody, stayed in dorms during the week and went home on weekends).

Cody was really good on the piano. His music teacher, Mr. Mendro, had an incredible gift of teaching visually impaired people. Naturally, Cody was expected to play a song or two as part of the program.

Even though our family looked forward to attending each December, we had one dilemma (there usually is a hang up of some kind where Cody is concerned). Cody refused to perform if he knew we were in the audience. Don and I made this mistake only once and quickly learned that in order for everyone to enjoy watching him play, in his cute little suit and tie I might add, we had to sneak into the auditorium. We could give no hugs, kisses or words of encouragement to Cody beforehand like other parents were able to do with their children. It was only after everyone performed that we could make our presence known.

 Oh! The things we resort to for the sake of Autism :)


  1. I was talking to someone about my blog and I said that I don't care who reads it as long as my family doesn't. It is very hard for me to open up in front of my family, but strangers can read it all day and it doesn't bother me. Most of my family still doesn't know about the blog. Your post made think about that and maybe Cody feels the same way. Just a thought.

  2. I love reading about how you juggle all the challenges. Great job. I bet he did a wonderful job!

  3. I love that story. I remember it, but it's still fun to read again. Everything you write makes me love Cody even more, if thats possible :-)

  4. After BB's school performance I went up to say hello. He looked appalled, and I thought we were going to have a meltdown. I think there are 2 possible answers. Either
    1. Kids on the spectrum sometimes 'compartmentalise', therefore if you 'belong' at home you mustn't turn up at a 'school' thing.
    2. Cool teenagers really don't want their parents around.
    I wonder which it is... :)


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