
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Finished Is Way Better Than Perfect

Katelyn decided she wanted to make her boyfriend a quilt for Christmas. She has been asking me to teach her how, so this was a good reason to embark on the challenge. The process went remarkably well, except she is a perfectionist (which drove me crazy at times). Annie, a friend of mine, reassured me that it's long as Katelyn doesn't mind ripping out seams. Annie went on to say that quilters who are perfectionists are the ones who win prizes at quilt shows. If this is the case and Katelyn keeps up this hobby, she'll have blue ribbons all over the place! I was more worried about getting the project finished by Christmas Eve. I think finished is way better than perfect :)


  1. She's a very clever and creative girl - hope it was appreciated.

  2. what a beautiful quilt! and katelyn is adorable btw!! :)

  3. Look at all the things Katelyn has made for me on here! I sleep with it almost every night, but it's best to watch movies in. I haven't tried to bowl with it on yet, but that's in the near future's plans.


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