
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Half-Hearted Gingerbread House

I asked the kids to make me a gingerbread house this year.

The two of them came home with a Gingerbread Village Kit.

They started out liking the project, then soon became tired.

This is what they came up with.

(Not exactly what I had in mind.)

I was picturing something more like this...


  1. Oh how cute. I have never seen a kit for a village. We do the gingerbread houses every year. Check our site tomorrow. We will be posting our results from this year's fun!

  2. It COULD HAVE been cute if they would have put their hearts into it :(

  3. That reminds me of something the fifth graders would do. They would begin with something cute, then keep adding until it was gawdy. Their idea was to use as many of the candies as they could. Their plan was to eat the gingerbread house as soon as they took it home:D

  4. That is a great way of spending time during the Christmas season. It is creative and productive and it could be that they did a better job than I could have. I have never tried it before, maybe Griffin and I will give it a try this year.

  5. I was Chase's Cub Scout Den Leader when he was eight years old. I had them make gingerbread houses out of Graham Crackers that year and they even did a better job than Katelyn and Bo. (Sorry kids but it's the truth.)

  6. I have always wanted to try a gingerbread house, but I always envisioned them not finishing it. Forget doing a whole village! It is the time spent together that matters anyway, maybe this is the year to try it!


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