
Friday, December 10, 2010

Hot Cockles Anyone?

Would you like some new game ideas to play this Christmas season at social gatherings and family get-togethers? Well, I've found two great party games from between the 16th and 19th centuries for you try this year!

The first one is a game called Hot Cockles, which involves placing your blindfolded head in someone’s lap while guessing who is hitting you from behind. It used to be a wonderful Christmas pastime.

The second one, Snap-dragon, was another popular game from that era. It was played during the winter, particularly on Christmas Eve. In this game, Brandy was heated and placed in a wide shallow bowl; raisins were placed in the brandy which was then set on fire. Typically, lights were dimmed to increase the eerie effect of the blue flames playing across the liquor. The aim of the game was to pluck the raisins out of the burning brandy and eat them, at the risk of being burnt.

Don't these games sound like loads of fun? Why sit around playing modern games like Mad Gab and Scattergories when you can liven things up a bit!

Now, the only thing I ask is if any of you really try playing either of these games during the Christmas season, please let me be the first to know:)


  1. Ah, the good old days when families made their own fun. No TVs, no mp3s, just good, old fashioned drunkeness, assault, inappropriate behaviour and injury. A time when all a family needed to have a good time was a trip to the ER and a restraining order.

  2. Sounds like a thrill to me, my oh my what I have been missing out on!

  3. Ha! I think we'll stick with Pokeno!


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