
Monday, December 27, 2010

"We've Got Eleven Games Coming Up."

Cody loves spending time at his grandma's house. He really likes playing with her Atari. (Remember my blog post 'Toys From Christmases Past'?) Anyway, Cody likes to chant, in order, the games that he will play on the Atari when he gets to grandma's house. Apparently he started doing this in the year 2001. It took us about seven years to figure out that he was adding a new game each year. Now that I look back, it seems like we were a bunch of dimwits for not catching on sooner, especially after seeing it in writing...

2001- Yars Revenge
2002- Yars Revenge and Kangaroo
2003- Yars Revenge, Kangaroo, and Pac Man
2004- Yars Revenge, Kangaroo, Pac Man, and Pit Fall
2005- Yars Revenge, Kangaroo, Pac Man, Pit Fall, and Grand Prix
2006- Yars Revenge, Kangaroo, Pac Man, Pit Fall, Grand Prix, and Donkey Kong
2007- Yars Revenge, Kangaroo, Pac Man, Pit Fall, Grand Prix, Donkey Kong, and Centipede
2008- Yars Revenge, Kangaroo, Pac Man, Pit Fall, Grand Prix, Donkey Kong, Centipede, and Asteroids
2009- Yars Revenge, Kangaroo, Pac Man, Pit Fall, Grand Prix, Donkey Kong, Centipede, Asteroids, and Stampede
2010- Yars Revenge, Kangaroo, Pac Man, Pit Fall, Grand Prix, Donkey Kong, Centipede, Asteroids, Stampede, and Q-Bert

Now Cody's talking about 2011 and has added a new game. He says, "We've got eleven games coming up!" then he continues with...

"Yars Revenge, Kangaroo, Pac Man, Pit Fall, Grand Prix, Donkey Kong, Centipede, Asteroids, Stampede, Q-Bert, and Circus Atari."


  1. Cody is a clever guy and a happy one at that!

  2. Your readers need to remember that Cody is blind. That makes it even more amazing :-)

  3. Okay. I added 'blind' as a tag for this post :)

  4. Um, seven years to see the pattern?

    I remember when those games were cutting edge. I was great at Pit Fall.

  5. Wow. That is a blast from the past. We had an Atari 100 years ago. What fun that was and how far the world has progressed. We love our Wii!


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