
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dodo Head

Cody and his dad have a very unique relationship. They love to call each other names. It started when Cody was a baby and his dad called him Pooper Man. Here is a list of names they've acquired over the years...Liver Lips, Fred, Jack, Butt Head, Buttless Wonder, Sow Belly Pig, Prune Face, and some times it's Prune Faced, Liver Lipped, Sow Belly Pig.

Cody threw a new one out last night. We were sitting in the living room, watching TV, and Cody called out to his dad, "Hey, Python Breath!"

No worries, though. It's all in good fun.

(By the way, Cody titled this post.)


  1. He's creative, you've got to give him that...

  2. Hey! I just gave your blog an award. Come visit my blog to claim it:

  3. Oh I love the Python Breath. That is too funny to me. That is one creative kid.

  4. Yep, Cody is a hoot and a creative one at that!

  5. Tell Cody that I prefer Doody Head.


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