
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Embarrassing Things Kids Say

Katelyn, her friend Kaitlen and I were having a conversation today and the following memory came to mind as we were reminiscing:

Close to ten years ago, one of Cody's respite workers took Cody on an outing. She had a couple of Japanese exchange students living with her at the time, so they went along. That evening, after she brought Cody back home, I asked him, "Did you have fun Cody? What did you do?" He replied, "We went to the park with the Japs."

(Cody's autistic and loves to shorten words. He had no clue that what he said would be considered racist and socially inappropriate.)

I know you have embarrassing stories to share regarding your children. Please, do tell!


  1. I love that one. At least he waited until he got home. My boy, upon hearing someone's (over 45)age will inevitably yell, "Ooooh! You so old!"

  2. That's great Big Daddy. I'm 46, so I suppose Griffin would think I'm ancient :)

  3. Griffin will talk loudly about his penis and although I am glad that he uses the correct terminology it would be good if it wasn't quite so loud.

  4. Lora- That is really funny, although I'm sure it's less funny and more embarrassing to you.

  5. We have a lot of DVDs in our house. So many that we have several shelves for the kids' DVDs and several for Mom's and Dad's to make it easier to find what we're looking for. Once, when we were all too sick to do much more than sit around and watch movies, we watched them together, one after another for several days. Of course, there were some from each shelf.

    The next time we visited my in-laws, GL announced, "Dad let me watch an adult movie!"

  6. Papa Bear- That WOULD be embarrassing, but what a great story! :)


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