
Friday, January 21, 2011

If You Weren't a Child in the 1970's, Look What You Missed Out On...

Groovy patches to sew on your jeans...

Candy smokes...

Nice, sturdy CorningWare (My mom had this exact set.)...

Rotory phones with cords that kept you confined...

Sleek and stylish camp trailers...

Extremely high slides. Who cared about safety? (Parents were more chill back then.)

Crunch Cones. Loved them!!

Drive-In's. There's nothing like watching a movie, in a car, wearing your pajamas.


Portable 8 Track Tape Players. It was no big deal that the tape would switch tracks mid-song...

Happy Days. They were sooo coool.

Table-top Juke Boxes in diners. Who cared if the booth right beside you was listening to something else?!


You Know You're a Child from the 70's when...

1) "All skaters, change directions" means something to you.
2) There was nothing strange about Bert and Ernie living together.
3) You remember wanting to stay up to see Mr. Bill on Saturday Night Live.
4) Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you learned things like grammar, math and history. (A big hint here is if the only way you can recite the Preamble to the Constitution is by singing it.)
5) You learned to swim at about the same time "Jaws" came out... and still carry the emotional scars to prove it.
6) You recall when Love's Baby Soft was in every girl's Christmas stocking.
7) Most of the fillings in your mouth are directly related to Bazooka or Bubble Yum.
8) You know who shot J.R.
9) This rings a bell: "My name is Charlie, and they work for me."

and my personal favorite...

10) You remember the days when "safe sex" meant "my parents are going out of town".


  1. Trailers like that still make up 80% of the traffic in my area every summer :(

  2. OMG, a phone w/ a cord. I'd have a meltdown tied to one spot...... We actually have 2 drive-ins that I'm aware of in SC and hope to visit one this summer w/ the kids and honey. Supposedly one is very family friendly and you can hang out and BBQ, etc.... should be interesting.....

  3. "Conjunction junction, what's your function..." School House Rock rocked.

  4. OMG..the only way (I learned) or can recite the preamble is by singing it..! How about "I'm only a bill, on capital hill" or "Interjections...hey!".

    I also remember the big slides, Mad Magazine, 45's, putting playing cards on our bicycle spokes with clothes pins so they would make that cool sound. And of course none of us wore helmets when we rode our bikes! Love this post.

  5. bbsmum- I spent nearly every week-end in a camp trailer like the one in the pic. It's no wonder I hate camping :)

    cheartstrings- I want to come to South Carolina and go to a Drive-In movie!

    Big Daddy and Lisa- School House Rock was the best, wasn't it! Great memories.

  6. Dude! I Heart Mr. Bill! Seriously! Always my favorite...

    PS I posted your link on my blog-- I've enjoyed reading!


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