
Saturday, January 1, 2011

The New Year Shuffle

Each December we have to rearrange our living room in order to put up the Christmas tree. We don't move furniture around very often due to the fact that Cody is blind and it really throws him off. He did fine with the changes this year but instead of telling us he wanted the furniture moved back, he said "On New Year's Day, we have to turn the house around."

I realize the picture is about the upside down housing market, but Cody's statement is kinda fitting to the cartoon. Don't you think?

Happy New Year Everyone!


  1. I think you should start writing a book called "Cody-isims". No seriously. I would be a fun book!

  2. If he could see he might not be too happy either. Audrey and her autistic cousin both freak when the furniture gets moved around for the tree, and then by the time they get used to it, it's time for it to come down and they get freaked out all over again when the furniture gets moved back.

  3. Annie- This blog will have to do :)

    Lynn- I hadn't thought of that, but I think you're right. Cody would probably be bugged regardless.

  4. I agree that the picture is fitting for his statement...perfectly!
    Happy New Year to you too! I left you a reply in my comments.


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