
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Cody has a nervous habit that is making me nuts. For some reason, he likes to pick at the seams in his socks.

We gave him ten pair of socks for Christmas. This is what they looked like new...


Take a closer look. See the nice seams at the top?

I told Cody that Santa (yes, he still believes) would not bring him new things next Christmas if he picks at his socks.

Cody stopped picking for about one week.

Now his socks are beginning to look like this...

So the Santa threat was not a success. I'm out of ideas.

He can wear the stupid things. I guess it isn't such a big deal right now, but when warm weather comes and he wants to wear shorts, he'll just have to look like a dork.


  1. Don't think he'll look like a dork, since they'll be ankle socks by then! They'll be nice and cool!

  2. Frayed seams are very hip right now. Ok, I just made that up to help Cody fight you on this one.

  3. Sometimes Dimitri's socks get like that, probably because he chews on them (hum, yucky). I've been know to trim the threads off while he's wearing them, I'm one of those people who looks a bit worn at the seams myself so it doesn't worry me too much:)

  4. Cathrine Rose- That's funny. True, but funny!

    Big Daddy- Cody can use all the support he can get. I'm about to make him wear flip-flops year round.

    emma- I have this thing about Cody dressing nice. I like to think that if wears nice clothing, maybe people won't notice his stimming. (Ya, right!)

  5. When I taught Sunday school a million years ago, I had a student with Asperger's. He was a picker when he got nervous or worked up. His mom provided with something (it was something small like an eraser) to occupy his hands so that he would not pick, but would find his comfort level with something else. It worked for him and helped redirect him back to what we were doing at the time.


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