
Friday, February 4, 2011

Blogging - Exercise = Weight Gain

My new found addiction to blogging
is causing me to gain weight.

Instead of doing this...


or this...

or this...

or even this...

ALL I want to do is this...


One exception, instead of sipping a cup of coffee, I will be enjoying this...


  1. I've often said that if I set the computer in front of the treadmill and figured out how to browse the Web while I exercise, I'd be in fantastic shape!

  2. I know EXACTLY what you mean *sigh*

  3. OMG that is so me, right down to the diet coke. Both Alessa and I are addicted to it. Diet Coke fanatics UNITE!

  4. Ditto what Tammie said above. And so sad, but sooo true.

  5. At least you are good at something and devoted...I am so lame when it comes to blogging and exercise doing each one only half as good as I should be.


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