
Friday, February 25, 2011

Dining in the Dark

Patrick Neil Harris was on Ellen today and they were talking about restaurants. Katelyn was watching with me...well, Katelyn was watching, I wasn't really paying attention until she got excited about something Ellen said. Here is the conversation that followed...

Katelyn- They have these restaurants where everything is dark. I want to go to one. The waitress seats you and you can't see a thing! It would be so fun.

Me- Eew. You wouldn't know what your eating. There could be hair or a fly in your food and you'd never know. They could serve you weird stuff like fish legs or something.


Me- Oh. Wait a minute. Fish don't have legs.

(This is where we crack up.)

I was thinking of fish eggs and frog legs, but that's not what came out of my mouth.

Then Katelyn said, "Mom. You should try to find a clip of a dark restaurant on YouTube", so we started looking.  Katelyn spotted something and said, "click on that one". I read what she wanted me to look at and said, "No. This can't be the one. This one says blind people serve your food." Katelyn replied. "Ya. That's the whole point!"

She neglected to tell me that important piece of information. Now it all makes sense!

Kind of cool, huh?!


  1. I wasn't getting that either until I watched the clip! I knew what you meant with the fish legs...totally!

  2. There's a restaurant like this in London. The Other One has been a few times and recommends it. He says the only drawback is that you have to ask a member of staff to guide you to the bathroom if you need to go! He was relieved to find out that the bathrooms themselves are fully lit, though!

  3. Big Daddy and Lynn- Thanks. I knew you two would understand. :)

    bbsmum- I hadn't thought about that! I don't even want to imagine no lighting in the bathrooms. yuck.


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