
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Do NOT Have Road Rage

Every single time I get in my car, at least one driver tailgates me. A lot of the time the tailgaters are teenage drivers (we live close to a high school), but more often than not, the person tailgating is old enough to have had plenty of driving experience. Regardless, if you live in the United States and have a driver's license, you should know better than to drive too closely behind someone. Since I am pretty much in love with my car, slamming on the brakes to teach these jerks
a lesson is not an option. I'm thinking that I need one of these...

I've never had a driver honk at me while tailgating, but if they did, they would get to see my extended middle finger. I'm sure the honking in this video was just for effect, but can you imagine? Whatever happened to courteous drivers?


  1. Love It :D The driver looks like Lance.

  2. I agree. That is aggravating indeed, especially when you are going the speed limit through a residential area and they tailgate. Really??

  3. That's great! Yeah, my fav is when my neighbors tailgate me through the subdivision. Really?!?

  4. Oh I love that and want one. My personal fav is the people that continually cross the line in oncoming traffic. Morons!

  5. You better watch using that middle finger. My mom flipped someone off on the freeway cause he cut her off and then he followed her off the freeway. But he did cause his wife made him applogize for not watching what he was doing. :)

  6. I am always worried, being in a relatively small town, that I would flip off someone and realize too late that they are my boss or my kid's teacher. I usually don't get mad, but fearful of tailgaters because I am worried that they will either shoot me or cause me to have and accident. Recently, we had a man have his head blown off with a rifle due to road rage...and this occurred downtown in busy traffic!!!


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