
Saturday, March 19, 2011

My 4 Day Disney Park Hopper Diet

Crap Food I Actually Purchased in the Parks...

Corn Dog with Apple Slices

Caramel Apple

Mickey Pecan Cluster

Nachos (twice)

Fish and Chips

Hot Fudge Sundae

And if the aforementioned isn't enough junk for your eyes to behold, check out the snacks I stashed in my backpack for in-between meals...

Bottle Caps


Cheese Crackers

Slim Jims

Granola Bars

Here is my theory. The joy of vacationing at amusement parks isn't only in the thrill of the rides, but temporarily abusing my body with foods I normally wouldn't indulge in.

I had such a great time.


  1. I'm thinkin' that the miles you walked around the park all day long for several days...would counter-act at least 75% of the (un)healthy food you "might" have consumed... Howz that for rationalizing? =P


  2. Apple with the corn dog (what on earth is a corn dog?) and lemon with the fish and chips - that's a diet full of fruit and therefore very healthy!

  3. I love how the apple offsets the corndog---that should make it calorie equal, right? Right??

  4. My poor belly still hasn't recovered my Disney adventure over two weeks ago. Can still taste that hotdog.

  5. Good for you!!! I say do it, we don't do it every day and what better place then Disney. My favorite place on this earth. We are going to Disney World in August. Cannot wait. It is my happy place.


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