
Friday, March 4, 2011

On the Sly

It has always been difficult to get Cody to read braille at home. Being autistic as well as blind, Cody thinks reading is something he should do only at school. He also hates reading aloud. If I ask him to read to me, he'll speak at a snail's pace, mumble, or chop up sentences so badly that I want to pull my eyelashes out one by one.

Yesterday, I stumbled across a journal that Cody kept when he was younger. Realizing how much he enjoys reminiscing, I nonchalantly plopped it in his lap and said, "Hey Cody. I found your journal. If you want to read it to yourself, you can. It has fun stories about living in Oregon and going to OSB." I then left him alone, knowing if I made a big production out of it, he'd never examine the book.

Later in the evening, Katelyn and I were sitting on the sofa enjoying Winter Wipeout, when I glanced over at Cody and witnessed this...

We then watched as Cody read five or six pages, with a big grin on his face, before he closed up the book and put it on the floor. Incredible.

de·vi·ous- showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals. (Yep. That's me!)


  1. I love this. Classic "thinking outside the box".

  2. Good job DeeAnn. What a stubborn streak that Cody has. Wonder where he got that from :-)

  3. Keeping a journal is important I believe, it's great that Cody kept one. Good for you mom!

  4. Being sneaky to get my spectrum kid to do something? Oh, yeah!


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