
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Have you ever had a facebook friend who's statuses made you feel like gagging? I did. She would post things like...

"I had a wonderful Saturday. This morning my husband, who happens to be the sweetest man on earth, took me on a hike. After we got home, I bottled 48 pints of peach jelly, while my husband cleaned the garage, mowed the lawn, and washed both of our cars. I am such a lucky woman. (I sure hope I get a foot rub tonight.)"


"This morning I'm going to volunteer at the hospital. I look so cute in pink scrubs. After my art class, I plan on meeting up with some girl friends for brunch. After I scrub all three bathrooms and clean out every closet in the house, I'm going to prepare a five course meal for the family. I'm hoping my husband will agree to take the kids bowling (I'm sure he will because he's such a wonderful man). I plan to spend my evening soaking in a bubble bath with a good book."


"I'm thinking about becoming a Girl Scout Leader. What do you think ladies? I have all of the skills needed to teach the girls. I can even set up a tent. Not just any woman can do that, right?!"


Am I envious? I don't think so. Am I resentful? Maybe, but I got tired of reading her facebook bullshit updates, so I un-friended her. Nobody, not even Martha Stewart, has a life that perfect.

Please, tell me I'm not the only one who has discarded a "friend" with no regrets.


  1. Sometimes I unfriend them. Sometimes I make snarky comments on their status. Sometimes I just laugh quietly or mock them offline.

  2. You are my kind of lady. Im known for stirring the bullshit pot every once in awhile.
    People are retarted.

  3. No, just comment on her status... like "Wow, what a lot you're doing, I'm guessing your hemorroids must be better" or something ;)

  4. She sounds my sister-in-law who's husband no one likes but her, apparently he's only wonderful to her. Nope, not her friend anymore.

  5. Here's one for you..............

    #1 I am thankful for the fact that I am not selfish. I am thankful that I do not walk around thinking that this is my world and you are just visiting. I am thankful for not turning everything that happens in life into something that has to do with me. I am thankful that I am better than that.
    WHAT??? Isn't that patting yourself on the back? Bet you can guess who wrote that :)

  6. bbsmum- That is great. I will remember to do that to future people I might have to un-friend.

    Elizabeth- You must be talking about your spouse's family, otherwise you'd be talking about your own brother. :)

    Marilyn- I am clueless. Please, give me a hint.

  7. Yes!! Incidentally my brother is 40, never married. We're pretty sure he's gay but won't come out to us.

  8. I feel the same way when I'm overhearing a conversation between some of the overachiever parents whose kids excel in sports are on the honor roll and the debate team and already have their lineup of six-point Advanced Placement A's ready for acceptance at the best colleges; while some days it's all my kids can achieve to get through a day under the fluorescent lights and read a book three grade levels below their peer's age level and have an alarm on their door at night to keep them out of dangerous things while we try to get a few hours' sleep. In other words, just SURVIVE in a world unsuited to them. It makes me sad.

  9. Does the name Cheryl ring a bell?

  10. Please tell me those weren't actual status posts? You embellished a bit, right? If they were real, I don't blame you for unfriending. Gag.

  11. If you didn't embellish then those are bullshit posts...if only life were so damn perfect! None of my friends write such unbelievable BS usually they are complaining which is perfectly acceptable to me.

  12. Marilyn- I thought so, but wasn't sure.

    Big Daddy- Oh, I embellished a TAD bit. Most were her comments, I just condensed them. We were never close friends to begin with, so no love lost.

    awalkabout and Lora- I understand and will listen to you complain any time!


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