
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Too Many Descriptive Words

I have a love/hate relationship with Martha Stewart.

She bugs the snot out of me. Martha uses far too many adjectives. Next time you watch her television program or look at one of her clips on YouTube, pay attention. With most people, one adjective will usually do the job when describing a noun, but not for Martha. For example: The average person would describe chocolate cake as "delicious". Martha, on the other hand, not only would say the cake is delicious, but German, moist, scrumptious and beautiful as well.

Interrupting people when they speak is something else Martha does that annoys me. Personally, I think it is flat rude. In fact, at school we try to teach our Kindergarten children not to interrupt teachers or fellow classmates when they are speaking. For someone who is such a know-it-all, Martha sure could use some lessons in common courtesy.

I am not interested in being a domestic goddess like Martha. However, despite her obsession with descriptive words and the way she consistently interrupts her guests, I do benefit from watching cooking tips and craft projects on The Martha Stewart Show (and her magazines aren't so bad either).

Here are a few adjectives that come to my mind describing Martha Stewart... woman, mother, blond, tall, big, talented, rude, knowledgeable, rich, famous, obnoxious, arrogant, jail bird, perfectionist, entrepreneur, creative, businesswomen, savvy, author.

How would YOU describe Martha Stewart?


  1. annoying and overrated would be my choices!

  2. You took the words right out of my mouth. The only difference between my feeling and your's, is I cannot stand to watch her, so I DON'T!!!!
    Why are you not writing a book, or at least a column in the newspaper?? :-)

  3. I would say that you about covered it!!!!!

  4. What about when she says, "It's A Good Thing." That is a class A violation in my book and drives me nuts every time she says it....

    Her daughter has a show called Whatever Martha where they make fun of her. Pretty entertaining.


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