
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chase Trimmed His Beard and I Didn't Think He Looked Gay Enough, So I Made Him Wear a Cowboy Outfit

(Not really. Those were Chase's words, but they made me laugh.)

We had family photo's taken May 1st. Here's a recap for those of you who are not regular readers of my blog...

The last time our family had pictures professionally taken was about twenty-five years ago. We were a family of four then; Cody was around five years old and Chase was a baby. Don and I have two more children, Casey (twenty-one) and Katelyn (nineteen), who have never been part of a professional family picture. You may be thinking "How horrible! What kind of mother doesn't want pictures taken of her family?" Well...look at the following snapshot of my kids and I think you'll understand. hour before our appointment, Chase and Casey decided to complain (a lot) about the clothing Katelyn and I chose for them to wear.

Before dressing, Chase made himself (and everyone else)
laugh by putting on one of Cody's "wife beaters".

AND...about twenty minutes before we were suppose to leave the house, Cody fell asleep in the recliner!

Once we were on location, however, things went fairly well. Despite dealing with my boy's negative attitudes, gusty winds, Cody's hatred of the great outdoors, and cold temperatures, I have high hopes that our family photographs will be great. And, even if they aren't, I will cherish them forever, because I will NOT go through this again! least until one of them gets married :)


  1. OMG, you crack me up! I couldn't get past the title!!!

  2. YES! you have made one beautiful family and I cant wait to see them :)

  3. Please, please post the picture as soon as possible, I can't stand the waiting!

  4. I will post the pics as soon as I get them. :)

  5. Oh I cannot wait to see them and I can so relate. We had stopped taking "professional" family pictures when my 16 year old was about 4. She was not a great picture take at that point and for a few years ago. Way way to frustrating. I am happy to report that she improved with age.

  6. You make the mundane so funny Dee. I wish I had that talent. I often see the mundane funny, but then when I try to put it in words, it seems I am either making fun of someone or whining. Anyway, this really made my day!

  7. **awww** Funny + Cute = Comedy Gold!

    I can totally sympathize, even though my family's just starting out. When Taz was born I was determined I'd take some kind of family portrait every year and photograph every milestone, every waking moment of our lives... Turns out Taz is allergic to posing for shots. The best I can do is a side angle when he's giggling at his baby sister. **lol**


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