
Monday, August 29, 2011

Getting Older Can Suck It, but Sisters are Special

My sister, who is a measly two years younger than I am, thinks it's funny to send sarcastic birthday cards to me every year. I have heard her talk about how she will spend hours in the greeting card department in pursuit of the "perfect" card, laughing and carrying on as she reads each one.

Since today is my birthday, I've decided to share a few of them with you. I hope you find each card as amusing as she did. Enjoy.


  1. Happy Birthday!
    So.... we have ASD, MS, and birthday's in August in common. All the good stuff I see.....
    Maybe we could include boils and

  2. Love them all! I am a funny card lover. Nothing better. Happy Birthday.

  3. Jacquie- No thanks on the boils and locusts. haha And now you've got me wondering what else we may have in common. :)

    carolinaheartstrings- Thank You!


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