
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Glee...Sesame Street Style

I have only watched Glee a couple of times but enough to see the humor in this clip. Sesame Street writers and puppeteers are a hoot. :)

My favorite part is when the gay puppet says "Gorgeous!"


  1. Dee Ann: I just found the comment you made on my blog yesterday. You wrote: I just found you through facebook’s Networked Blogs. I am anxious to read more about you. I have a son with disabilities and my husband was diagnosed with MS and few years ago. I blog about my life dealing with disabilities and such. I will gladly follow your blog and hope you can visit mine sometime."

    Wow. You have certainly been challenged with a lot of tough stuff. Thus, you must be a very strong person, or like me have needed to become strong! Yes, do let's keep in touch. You can always email me at annbest37 at yahoo dot com.

    And I will keep in touch with you through your blog. Family is your focus as it is mine. I write, too, but when I finish the second memoir I'm working on, that may be it--unless I have enough energy left, at almost age 72, to write a third one that I have in mind!

    I'm now going to browse for a few minutes through your site. I see you have autism as a topic. I have a grandson, now ten, whom they thought was mildly autistic. Seems it may be something even milder as now that he's ten, he's much more social than he was a few years ago. He's a sweetheart. I like your list of words, especially unique and interesting.

    Well, I must go and fix breakfast for me and my daughter. It's almost noon! No aide today, so my daughter slept in. She usually has bad nights. You may well know how that is!

    Again, it's lovely to meet you!
    Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror, A Memoir of Shattered Secrets

  2. I would say the puppets are spot on. Sue Lynch watch out!


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