
Friday, September 9, 2011

Remember September 12th?

None of us will forget the horror of September 11, 2001. Like many of you, I know exactly where I was and what I was doing that morning.

Of course we remember the victims of that fateful day which forever changed our lives, but I think it might be a good idea to recollect the events and feelings that followed the day after, on September 12th.

Americans came together that day like I had never seen before. We were in shock. We were mourning. We were afraid. We were angry, but we put aside our differences and believed in one another. We were proud to be Americans and we bonded.

Everywhere we looked, the American flag was displayed. It flew in front of homes and businesses. It flew on school flagpoles and government buildings and streets. It flew proudly from car antennas. There were even stickers of the Red, White and Blue displayed on vehicle bumpers and windows.

There was an intense feeling of patriotism in the air as American citizens rallied to defend the country they loved so dearly.

This weekend, as we remember the tragic events of September 11th, let us not forget that we, as a nation, stood strong and united on September 12th.


  1. I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now, but first time commenting on it; I truly do agree with what you wrote. It would be nice to see that unity again (without another tragic event to make us feel that way though of course)


  2. I know. I remember it well and wish we could have that camaraderie all the time, minus loosing the towers.

  3. Excellent point! Amidst the horror, it's good to remember the patriotism and fellowship that followed.

    Thank you, also, for the award in your previous post! I'm honored!


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