
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Road Trippin' Part Two

After Don, Cody and I left Zion National Park, we drove to a nearby ghost town named Grafton.

As you can see in the photo below, unless a person is aware of Grafton and specifically looking for the turn off, the sign would be easy to miss.

Soon after turning onto the side road, we crossed over this historic single-track iron bridge.

Then we spotted a much older sign, half hidden amid the tall grass.

We had to drive passed multiple security cameras, but finally came upon the completely fenced in ghost town. Just inside the gate, was an information plaque.

There was also a box to donate money for preservation, if so desired.

 In this picture, Don is trying to help Cody drop a dollar in the donation box. You can see that Cody is grumpy because we made him get out of the car.

This is the old school/ church that has been restored.

Cody is forcing a smile and I am nervous thanks to 
a huge lizard lurking around the step.

This photo, taken inside Grafton, is looking east toward Zion National Park.

After we left Grafton, we visited the town's graveyard. I will post more about our experience there in Road Trippin' Part Three.


  1. Oh I would love that place. Right up my alley. Grat pics - Tammie

  2. I'm with you about the lizard, I would have been a bit nervous if it was close by when I was trying to pose for a picture. Interesting ghost town; seems like someone has taken the time to set it up nicely for visitors/tourists!! You guys covered a lot of things/distance on your road trip!



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