
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Changing Priorities

One of my dearest friends Annie over at Adventures in Oz wrote a post that included a video by Steven Covey. As I watched the video, I realized that this is how I feel about blogging. I love, love, LOVE blogging, but sometimes I let it come before the important things in my life. I enjoy staying connected to my blogging friends all over the world, but realize that I have relationships right here around me that could use a little nurturing.

Annie asked me a thought provoking question yesterday. She said, "Have you thought about what you'd like to leave behind for your children and grandchildren when you're gone?" Then she got me thinking maybe, just maybe, I could make quilts and scrapbooks for them, both hobbies that I enjoy but have fallen by the wayside.

Since I'm on the morbid subject of dying, I definitely need to make exercise and eating healthy a higher priority (click here and here), or I might not even be around long enough to meet those future grandchildren.

My point is, I will keep reading your wonderful blogs and writing my own posts. I just may not be able to do it every day, because I have to take care of the big rocks first. No comprende? Watch the video...


  1. I totally agree with what you are saying about blogging; love it too but sometimes a break from it to get other things taken care of is always a good thing to do! I always tell people blogs will still be here. I think it is wise you are re-prioritizing priorities! Good luck!


  2. Thanks for the slight nudge. I think we all need to have the reminder.


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