
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Goblin Goodies

2 cups salted peanuts
1 cup Chocolate Teddy Grahams
1 cup Candy Corn
1/2 cup Goldfish Crackers
1/2 cup raisins

Mix and store in airtight container. Makes 5 cups.

Don't be afraid to change the ingredients of this recipe up a bit. Here are the products that I chose to use...

My family doesn't care for peanuts, so I picked up chocolate covered almonds from Costco. You could also use plain or chocolate covered pretzels, miniature Oreos, autumn colored M&M's, Almond Joy or Mounds candy bits, etc. I even wanted to add green and purple gum drops, but my husband wasn't going for it. The point is, be creative!

After I mixed the ingredients in a large bowl, I divided it into cellophane bags. Then I printed these cute tags that I found at Anders Ruff Custom Designs.

I used orange colored ribbon to tie the tags onto the bags...

...and now I have a half-way healthy Halloween treat to give friends, neighbors and co-workers.


  1. Clever and I am sure delicious! Great treat and then you can adapt it a bit and make it a Christmas treat as well!


  2. @ That Corgi :) I love that idea. BTW, I appreciate your comments on my posts!


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