
Friday, November 25, 2011

There's a Teeny Weeny Something that's so Small You Almost Can't See It

Wanna know what's fun? Running errands in the car, on black Friday, while listening to Cody sing this song, word for word. The only exception...Cody added "there's a teeny weeny something that's so small you almost can't see it" after flee on the wing.

Do any of you other moms want to run away with me? Barbados is sounding really good about now. :)


  1. Oh, I'll go with you. Can we stay there until Christmas is over?

  2. You must be a very patient woman. Then again, you are a kindergarten teacher so you must be. And running errands on Black Friday...? Definately patient :)

  3. I'm all about Barbados! Let me know when you wanna go!!!! LOL


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