
Friday, November 11, 2011

This is What Happens When Cody and His Dad Pair Up

Cody has a Speak and Spell. For those of you who may not know what a Speak and Spell is, here's a picture...

The Speak and Spell is very educational but awfully LOUD. Cody thinks it's hilarious to ask if he can sleep with it. I always tell him "No. If you accidentally turn it on during the night, it will wake everybody up." His dad, on the other hand, jokingly goes behind my back and tells Cody "Go ahead Code. I don't care if you sleep with it." knowing full well that Cody won't go against my wishes.

Night before last, we went through the aforementioned ritual, but this time, when I wasn't around, Don told Cody to go hide the Speak and Spell in his bedroom, under his pillow. Later on, I walked by Cody's room and this is what I saw...

The Speak and Spell was indeed under the pillow, but I think maybe Don needs to work with Cody on hiding things a little more discreetly. :)

Click on Hide and Seek the Autistic Way if you'd like to read more about Cody and hiding.


  1. Haha! Foiled by the bed again...

  2. Boy does the speak and spell bring back memories. We had a speak and math too!


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