
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sock Monkey Quilt

I received a phone call early this afternoon from Nikki at Cody's day program. She's the cute girl who keeps me posted via notes in Cody's backpack (see this post and this post ). When Nikki identified herself, I was a little nervous. I thought maybe Cody was sick or in trouble, but she was calling to tell me about some really cute quilts that had been donated and she wondered if she could send one home with Cody.

In my mind, I was visualizing a lap or crib size quilt that had been tied. I was pleasantly surprised when Cody came home with this...

 I couldn't get a picture of the entire quilt and
I was even standing on a chair. It's that large.

Here is a close up of a few of the squares.

The entire thing is machine quilted.

The backing fabric is added bonus for Cody because he is blind.

It even came with a pillow case...

This is the sticker that was in the upper left hand corner of the quilt.

Thank you Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for your thoughtful donation. Cody loves his quilt!


  1. This is so cute! I had to send it to my mom who quilts. What a great idea to have some of it have a texture.


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