
Friday, February 17, 2012

Headline Bloopers by Professionals

My daughter is currently taking an editing class in college. She showed me a chapter in her textbook that has actual headline bloopers by professionals. Some of them are too funny not to share. Here are my favorites:


Poll says that 53% believe media offen make mistakes

Schools to call for pubic input

13% of U.S. adults unable read or write English (Apparently this person is part of that 13%.)

Tribal council to hold June meeting in June (As opposed to October?)

Despite our best efforts, black employment is still rising

Headlines that say nothing...

School Board Agrees to Discuss Education (Converse about under paid teachers and struggling students instead of their own salaries and fringe benefits? Tell me it isn't so!)

Religion Plays Major Part in the Message of Easter (Unfortunately, this statement may indeed be a surprise to some people.)

Researchers call murder a threat to public health

Some students walk, others ride to school (Do the remainder fly or swim or what?)

Double Entendres

After dog died in heat, should owners have gotten off?

Marijuana issue sent to a joint committee (hahahaha)

Plan to deny welfare to applicants still alive

High-crime areas said to be safer

Culver police: Shooting victims unhelpful

Man executed after long speech (I've listened to a few speakers who made me feel this way.)

Condom week starts with a cautious bang

Dolls sent to flood homeless

Mad cow speaker at Arts Center

Prostitutes appeal to pope

OJ blamed for Disney salmonella outbreak (I believe OJ is guilty of several things, but I've got to draw the line at spreading salmonella around Disneyland.)

U.S. to seek new location (Where would that be? On another planet?)

Woman dies after 81 years of marriage

Giant women's health study short of volunteers


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