
Friday, February 10, 2012

"Sleep Tight and Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite" is NOT Just a Cute Bedtime Expression Anymore

Don and I have talked about taking a vacation on our anniversary this year, but the more I do my homework, the more I want to stay home.

As I was searching online, I came across a website that reports hotels in major cities with known bed bug infestations. For example, did you know that some of the more exquisite hotels in Las Vegas have bed bugs? (Click here.)

The last time I checked into a hotel room with my husband and daughter, they called me paranoid because I wouldn't let them set our luggage down until I inspected the mattresses in the room. That was over a year ago. I can only imagine how much worse the epidemic is now.

If I really want to take that anniversary trip with my husband, I will need to do one of two things... 

follow the advice in this article: 7 Travel Tips for Bedbug Phobia 


sleep in my car!


  1. I am so with you. I never put my luggage or my clothes on the bed, floor or in any chairs. Then I just try not to think about it and I say a little prayer that I don't bring any passengers home with me (Tammie).

  2. I was googling about how to sleep with your eyes open and I stumbled upon your blog. I have to agree with you, bed bugs bite are really annoying and can affect our sleep cycle.


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