
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Break with My New Best Friend

It's Spring Break and for the past few years, we've spent at least part of it at Disneyland. This year, however, my husband has had to work hours upon hours getting ready for the air show this week end. The Blue Angels have been flying all over town, pumping everyone up for the show. They flew so low over my house that I could read U.S. Navy Blue Angels on the bottom of the jets. It is pretty exciting.

Anyway, since I was cheated out of the annual trip to my happy place, I decided to make good use of the break and do some spring cleaning.

I broke out this nifty little tool that my mom gave me at Christmas time...


It is a Shark and I love it. She's my new best friend. I call my Shark 'she' because, like women, the Shark is pretty much invincible. She's a portable, chemical free steamer that cleans and sanitizes in one step. (I could sell it on QVC. It's that good.) Together, my Shark and I have cleaned the refrigerator...


floor tile...


crevices and corners in all of the door panels...


and most of the baseboards.

She is suppose to be able to steam garments and freshen and deodorize upholstery. I haven't tried either...yet, but who knows? School doesn't start until Monday. I still have time. :)


  1. Feel free to stop on by my house with that thing any ol time!!! It looks amazing!

  2. I wouldn't have thought about the fridge. I might need to put a Shark on my wish list!

  3. Oh looks like a labor saver - Thanks for the post!


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