
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Special Friend of the Day

It was my turn to be "Special Friend of the Day" in Kindergarten this morning. The students asked me the following questions...

What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite movie?...What About Bob?
What's your favorite vacation place?...Disneyland
What's your favorite game?...Yahtzee (Hey, I had to give them something. I couldn't very well say "Sneeki-Tiki Slot Machine".)
What's your favorite dessert?...Hot Fudge Sundae
What's your favorite shape?...uummm....Rectangle?
What's your favorite food?...Chinese
What's your favorite animal?...puppy

But the best part about being Special Friend of the Day was bringing home pictures that the kids drew of me. It's funny what each child perceives. Here are a few of my favorites:

Too bad I don't have a nose to take in the fragrance of this colossal flower.

Here I am in my cheerleader pose.

Apparently this student thinks I look more like a football player than a cheerleader.

This boy is oblivious to the fact that I have hair...

...while this girl sees me looking more like Frenchie from 'Grease'.

Again...more giant flowers with no means to smell them.
By the way, you would never catch me wearing red. :)

So what if my arms are fatter than my legs? I have got to give this
little guy credit for remembering the ID badge around my neck.

Do you detect a look of guilty surprise on my face, or is it just me,
and what do you suppose that thing is on top of my head?

Here I am inside my Nissan (complete with spoiler). This little artist is obsessed with vehicles.
He asked me a couple of weeks ago, "What kind of car do you drive and what color are your rims?"
What color are your rims! How many six year olds have asked you that question?

I have the best job in the world. Kindergarten is the shizz!


  1. Congratulations on being special friend of the day. I loved the artwork and your accompanying commentary!

  2. Oh my gosh, Dee Ann, your comments on each masterpiece almost made me fall off my chair laughing! Kids are so sweet at that age!

  3. I see that you are smiling in all the pictures (well, I can't really see you in the Nissan, but of course you are smiling in that rocking car with the spoiler). So this means that you don't yell at your little angels? Cool.... No wonder they love you :)


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