
Saturday, August 4, 2012

How High Is Your Tolerance Threshold?

Cody- "Bang the... Bang the... Bang the walls."
            "Bang the... Bang the... Bang the walls."
            "Bang the... Bang the... Bang the walls."
             Repeat this at least 150 times...

Me- "Cody! If you don't quit saying that, I'm going to bang the walls (pause) with your head."

So, I snapped. It happens. Don't judge me.

After awhile, just when I thought Cody actually listened to me and stopped his mindless chatter...

Cody- "Gotta get get...Gotta get get...Gotta get get..."

Sometimes I swear he's not happy unless I've got something stuck in my head. In case you haven't figured it out, Cody was repeating opening lyrics to the Black Eyed Peas song Boom Boom Pow.


  1. Trust me, I am NOT judging you because I have been there! And I thought that I was alone and worried that I was going to be judged.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. No judgie here. We are parents. Enough said.


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