
Friday, August 31, 2012

Off-the-Clock Humor

When I walked into the classroom Wednesday morning, Mrs. B. had a birthday bag full of gifts for me, including candy with clever little notes...

Have I ever mentioned how much I love working with her? Not only is she a terrific teacher, but she is an amazing person.

I know Mrs. B. reads my blog at times and that makes me a little nervous. I have asked her to remember that my personal life and my professional life are a bit different. For instance, at school I would not joke about marijuana or boobs like I did in this post and this post. I would never cuss around the children like I cussed here and here and I most certainly wouldn't show this or this or even this video to the students.

That is why I was sooo happy when I read my birthday card (which I happen to LOVE) from Mrs. B....

It seems that Mrs. B. has a (dare I say) "not so professional" side too.    :)


  1. OH MY GOSH I did not know it was your birthday, and I have to state on record that I ditto all the cute notes that teacher said about you. You are the best thing a teacher can have in the classroom. I loved you then and I love you now!

  2. Thanks to both of you!

    Carrie- You are so sweet! I love you too and hope you are a adjusting to your life as a full time mommy. :)


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